A Farm Year in Pictures!
/I’m not generally one for New Year’s resolutions (okay, maybe I am, but my new year feels like it starts in March when we fire up the greenhouse!). But this year, I do have a resolution that I’m gunning for—blogging and newsletter-ing more for the farm!
The thing is, I write a LOT about life on the farm (like almost every day I write something farming-related), but I don’t usually post them. Maybe it’s concern that everyone out there is already so inundated by words and emails, that no one has time for more words. And some is that internal editor that doesn’t want to share our farming good news (which can feel like bragging) or our challenges (which feels like complaining). When I can’t decide what to do, I just post a picture and don’t dig in to what goes on behind the photo.
So that’s my resolution this year—to blog more about the fun and adventures that are farming and eating around here, in all their joy and challenge.
And I’m kicking off this resolution with pictures celebrating the pluses and minuses of 2019 (look, I’m hedging on my resolution already by cheating with photos :) I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2020!